Friday, 20 March 2015

Evaluation Question 7

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 3

Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation - Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and convections of real media products?

  • Convention are recognized ways of doing things within a particular genre
  • Conventions give the audience a better understanding of a film and help the audience relate to it better
Film Openings
Film openings are used to establish the storyline of a film, this helps the audience develop a better understanding of what's happening. The credits in film openings tend to go in a specific order, so that people who participated towards the film get regonition. 
The order the title credits tend to go in is:
  • Production Company Ident 
  • Distribution Company Ident 
  • Distribution Company in Title Sequence 
  • Production Comapany in Tile Sequence
  • High Budget Actors/Actresses 
  • Film Tile 
  • Actors/Actresses
  • Casting
  • Custome By
  • Music By
  • Editded By 
  • Written By
  • Director 
Depending on whether the film is a mainstream or independent film will depend on the length of the credits that appear in the opening credits. If the film is a independat film it will have less credits as less people will have participated in producing the film due to the low budget.
Here are some examples of teen films opening credits 

Mean girls (high school film) - Mainstream film

 Ident ‘Paramount’
     ‘Paramount’ Title
     Main cast 
     Casting by
     Based on book
    Music supervisor
  Music composed and conducted by
  Costume designer 
  Production designer
  Director of photography
  Executive Producer
  Screenplay by

 My Brother The Devil (youth drama) - Independent film

Film company
Title of film company
In association with…
Executive producer
Written and Directed By

Even though 'Kidulthood' wasn't our main inpiration, its still very similar to our film as they both are urban film. Here is the comparison between our title sequence and 'Kidulthoods' Title sequence.

Jus' Another Day 


Evaluation - question 7

Evaluation - question 6

Evaluation - question 5

Feedback from an audience member.

TAZ productions presents Jus' Another Day about an interesting relationship between a young boy and girl. There will be showing a free screening for students at The Screen in Angel, Islington.
 Allowing students to view the film for free first allows us to gain feedback before the actual release. This makes way for improvements.
 As we have a small budget we will depend on the students  who watch the preview to spread the word about Jus' Another Day generate more awareness and curiosity about the film.
 Having a free screening allows us to be direct with our main target audience, youth. Cinemas are popular when it comes to teenagers therefore  the screening was a major part of us attracting our audience.

Advertising poster we used to appeal to our audience.

Evaluation - question 4

Evaluation question 4

Questions 1

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Evaluation question 3

Evaluation question 2

Evaluation question 1

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Thursday, 19 March 2015

Evaluation - Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Evaluation - Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This Presentation was created on PowerPoint Presentation


Evaluation - Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?


Teen films generally have a wide target audience; they are generally targeted at teenagers and young adults. Who the film is specifically targeted on depends on the story line of the film or the sub-genre. 

The main groups that watch teen films are:
Young Adults - These are adults who were teenagers not so long ago. They tend to watch teen films in order to reminisce about their teenage years.
Teenagers - This group is the main audience as they can relate to the story line and protagonist of teen films 
Children who are about to enter teenage years - They tend to watch teen films as it gives them a glance of what to expect when you go though teenage years 

Our film’s sub- genre is a youth crime drama. It is targeted at the ages between 16-25 as the audience will be able to relate to the social groups and language that is represented. 

Some of the target audience we researched into 

Demographic For Kidulthood

Demographic For Mean Girls

Example of a demographic for our film

Evaluation - Q5. How did you attract/address your target audience?

Evaluation - Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation - Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Sunday, 8 March 2015

Reflection On Editing

Editing Reflection

What went well during the editing process?
During the editing process i think what went well was that we were able to work with all the shots we had, therefore we didn't need to go out and film extra shots. We were also able to put all the shots in order so that we can show the whats happening to the audience as well as the binary oppositions. 

What didn't go right during the editing process?
One thing that didn't go according to our plans was that we had bad time management. Due to this we didn't have time to edit in the text messages and we weren't able to edit in all the Foley sounds that we wanted. Therefore, our film doesn't have to right type of flow that we wanted to achieve.  

What we could have done next time?
What we could of done next time is have a schedule. This schedule will include planning out the amount of time we can spend on each stage of the editing process and which people will do it. 


Our Website:

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Analysis On Institutions

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Advertising poster

This is one of the posters made by our editor Rishard Howard to advertise our films.


This is the design we chose for our blog.

We wanted to brighten up the page and choose a neutral colour that would be open for all different kinds of audiences, so we went for the colour Red as our blog theme colour.

We put the background image of the advertisement we made for our film:

Extension Activity 1

Extension Activity

What does Thomas Sutcliffe mean when he says “films need to seduce their audience into long term commitment. While there are many types of seduction, the temptation to go for instant arousal is almost irresistible”
What Thomas Sutcliffe means is that filmmakers must grab the audience’s attention within the first few minutes of a film, so that they are interested and watch the film right till the end.

According to director jean Jacques Beineix, what are the risks of ‘instant arousal’?
The risk of ‘instant arousal’ is that there is an expectation the rest of the film to match the quality of the opening sequence otherwise the audience wont entertain an expectation.

Explain what “a good beginning must make the audience feel that it doesn’t know nearly enough yet, and at the same time make sure that it doesn’t know too little” means
This is when the opening of the film gives away enough of the storyline but not too much in order to keep the audience interested in what more to expect.

What does critic Stanley Kauffmann describe as the classic opening? Why does this work?
It’s when the opening scene starts of with an establishing shot. This sets the setting for the film. It gives the audience an idea of where it is and a taste of what to expect.

Why is Kyle Cooper’s title sequence to the film Seven so effective?
It was so effective because it told a story, it introduced you to the obsessive nature of the main character and forecasted a lot of the events that were to take place later on in the film. Also, the opening title was more influential than the film itself.

What did Orson Welles want to achieve with his opening to the film A Touch of Evil? What did Universal Studios do to it? Why?
He wanted it not to include any credits and title music to plunge the audience into the story without giving them time to prepare themselves. However, the studio were a bit more cautious and ended up putting in the credits and music. This resulting in the originality of the sharp idea being lost.

What is meant by “a favourite trick of Film Noir”? What is the trick?
It’s when you put the ending scene at the beginning of the film, it’s more like a destination point rather that a departure.

How does the opening to the film The Shining create suspense?
The opening sequence is so effective as you can see that the screen is full of omens and the camera pursues the car like a predator from high up. This suggests that this car is heading towards the wrong direction.

Research - Favourite Title Sequence Credits


Our chosen locations

costumes - devontae



For Devontae we decided on him wearing  black nike trainers, dark jeans, a dark coat, a black branded hat and then a Red branded tshirt. This showed that he had a bit of money as he had multiple piece of branded clothing, so it may have the audience questioning where a teenage boy is getting this kind of money from?

costumes - renee



The costume used for Renee is Ripped Jeans, Black coat, a beige scarf, Nike trainers, a rucksack and hoop earrings.
This costume shows a stereotypical urban teenage girl, we hope that our female teenage audience will relate to her.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

sound design

Sound Planning

Sound Planning

What Sounds should be used for our film opening?

As a group when this question came up we took 3 things into consideration.

  1. In youth drama's what kind of music is usually used?
  2. What kind of music relates to what is going on in our film opening?
  3. What music will draw in our audience from the minuet they hear it?

As the idea behind our film opening came from the BBC film "Murdered by my boyfriend", we watched the film opening to listen to the music and SFX that was used.

We felt that the calm music with narration over would not work for our style of Film opening.

We decided to explore into Urban music which is popular amongst the type of youth that is in our Film Opening.
We chose a urban song by a popular artist named stormzy, as our inspiration.

We hope to use this as inspiration and then make our own edited version.
We also hope to add in Foley sounds such as Police sirens, pigeons flapping, moving cars and text message notifications.

Friday, 27 February 2015

Rough Cut & Feedback

Rough Cut & Feedback

Feedback that we received from our rough cut are the following: 

  • Our narrative needs to be clearer 
  • The match cutting and cross cutting are good 
  • Few poorly framed shots - try to avoid them or work your way around them
  • Sound repetitive - Try using different sounds (more Foley sounds)
  • Titles need to be considered  

story board

Filming on 13th February 2015

Filming on 13th February 2015

  • Monique was absent so had a lot of missing scenes 
  • We re-shot some of Rishard's scenes
  • We were able to edit the beginning of our title sequence 




Editing suite 


Filming on 6th February 2015

Filming on 6th February 2015

  • We wasted a lot of time traveling to the location as we took the wrong route 
  • It was a very cold day so it took longer to film as we struggled to handle to equipment with num hands 
  • Many people came up to us to ask us what we were doing, this was very very time consuming and wasted time 
  • We were able to find a small cafe that let us film in, in Shoreditch
  • We were able to get shots with graffiti within it  
  • We were able to get most of the shots done within that day, which included Monique and the shots where they meet
  • We decided that we will film in Shoreditch as it was a closer location compared to Hackney

    A cafe that we found in Shoreditch 

    Shooting Monique's scenes within the cafe 

    Filming the shots that included graffiti in the background 

    Filming outside the cafe

    Filming on 30th January 2015

    Filming - 30th January 2015

    • Monique was absent so we had to filmed most of Rishard's scenes.
    • We decided to film somewhere local so that we could save time, it was also a safer area compared to Hackney.

    Filming the smoking scenes (outside job centre)

    Setting up the camera (outside job centre)

    Filming outside the park